MOLECULAR PROCESSES IN COMBUSTION - Laboratorio di Eccellenza del Progetto AMIS (Un approccio molecolare integrato allo sviluppo sostenibile)
I am the PI of this research line, funded within the project AMIS, funded by the Italian MIUR - Dipartimenti di Eccellenza - 2018-2022.
Topics: 1) Bimolecular reactions of interest in combustion of fuels and biofuels; 2) Flash pyrolisis of fuels and biofuels; 3) Energy transfer processes in combustion of fuels and biofuels
MOLECULAR PROCESSES IN ASTROCHEMISTRY - in collaboration with Cecilia Ceccarelli (IPAG, Grenoble), Claudio Codella (INAF - Osservatorio di Arcetri), Serena Viti (UCL)
I am the local team leader of various funded projects: 1) COST Action 1401 Our AstroChemical history, 2) PRIN 2015 STARS in the CHAOS, 3) esternal counselor for the chemical part of the ERC AdG DOC 'The dawn of organic chemistry', 4) Member of the team SOLIS, a large observational program of NOEMA, 5) Member of the team FAUST, a large observational program of ALMA, 6) PI of the Perugia team of the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 ACO 811312
I am 1) Member of the informal committee on Astrobiology of the Italian Space Agency, 2) Member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Astrobiology Society, 3) PI of the Perugia Team of The Italian National Project of Astrobiology—Life in Space—Origin, Presence, Persistence of Life in Space, from Molecules to Extremophiles